Ort Jet Cape Town

Contact lisa@ortjet.org.za

 – attend our introduction workshop to find out more

 – once you have committed to being on the programme you will…

 – fill out a 2 page form

 – attend the panel meeting

 – be assigned a mentor

Upcoming events:

17 November 2016, ORT JET Business Network, Gina Flash, Director, Mensch

19 January 2017, ORT JET Business Network, “Creating an elevator pitch”

25 January 2017, Entrepreneurial Training, Resilience Workshop, Nikki Wohlman, Leadership Specialist

For more information, please contact Lisa Sandler at 0214488516 or lisa@ortjet.org.za


Put the other page you sent me from Jewish chronicle if you want a separate section, however I think it is more impactful under the relevant headings, where you can have a click through to additional testimonials.