Ort Jet Cape Town

Business Network | July | Marlon Shevelew

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Property Practitioners, Landlords, and Tenants – Pioneering a Niche Legal Practice in South Africa's Residential Property Industry. From employee to sole practitioner, and now an employer of six attorneys, director of two law firms, and founder of three startup disruptor companies, Marlon offers invaluable insights on establishing a unique business in today's economy. Register & […]


Entrepreneurial Training | Part 1: Personal Change Leadership | Ashley Hurwitz

Venue TBA on registration

She Leads. She Innovates. She Inspires. Celebrating women entrepreneurs in the ORT Jet community! Ashley Hurwitz is a leadership development expert with over 25 years of experience. She designs and facilitates programs for individuals, teams, and leaders, helping them reach their full potential. Ashley has a passion for creating impactful learning experiences and uses a […]
